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Language: English & Hindi

Instructors: Krishna Sir

Validity Period: 765 days

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Course Curriculum

Day-1 and Day-2 Sessions
Day-1 Session Important Discussion about Basic Terms before Starting Linux Training
Day-1 Session Important Discussion about Basic Terms before Starting Linux Training (138:00)
Day-2 Sessions Before OS installation planning and RHEL-9 OS installation steps
Day-2 Session Before OS Instaallation Planning and RHEL-9 Installation steps (202:00)
Day-3 and Day-4 Sessions
Day-3 OS installation with TEXT based method and Basic login method and sortkeys
Day-3 OS installation with TEXT based method and Basic login method and sortkeys (192:00)
Day-4 Session Before Data Creation planning and Data Creation Practical Session
Day-4 Session Before Data Creation planning and Data Creation Practical Session (190:00)
Day-5 and Day-6 Session
Day-5- Session Discussion about basic command syntax
Day-5-Part-2 Examples of echo-cat-tac-single-greatherthen-double-greaterthen-symbol-live-examples
Day-5-part-1 Session Discussion about basic command syntax (97:00)
Day-5-Part-2 Examples of echo-cat-tac-single-greatherthen-double-greaterthen-symbol-live-examples (83:00)
Day-6-Part-1 Examples of symbols in command line with Examples
Day-6-part-2 Examples of head-tail-sed-command
Day-6-Part-1 Examples of symbols in command line with Examples (66:00)
Day-6-part-2 Examples of head-tail-sed-command (85:00)
Day-7 and Day-8 Session
Day-7-part-1 GREP-EGREP-FGREP-Command-Examples
Day-7-Part-2 Examples Echo-Variables-Types-of-Variables-quotes-and-types-of-Quotes
Day-7-part-3 notes Examples of date-cal-and-timedatectl examples
Day-7-part-1 GREP-EGREP-FGREP-Command-Examples (89:00)
Day-7-Part-2 Examples Echo-Variables-Types-of-Variables-quotes-and-types-of-Quotes (56:00)
Day-7-part-3 notes Examples of date-cal-and-timedatectl examples (25:00)
Day-8 Notes Part-2
Day-8-part-1 Examples of cp-rm-mv-rename-inode-rsync-examples (133:00)
Day-8-part-2 Examples of hidden and non hidden data and commented lines and non commented lines (43:00)
Day-9 and Day-10 and Day-11 Session
Day-9-Session-Part-1 Basic File Creation Example using VI and VIM and Gedit Command
Day-9-Session-Part-1 Basic File Creation Example using VI and VIM and Gedit Command (64:00)
Day-9 VI and VIM advance Operation (81:00)
Day-10 Notes
Theory Discussion about at and crontab
Day-10 part-1 Session about bashrc aliases and custom commands concept (140:00)
Day-10-Part-2 about at and crontab Examples (68:00)
Day-11 FIND-LOCATE-Examples-Linux
Difference between softlink and hard link
Links examples
Soft link and hard link
Examples of Locate and Find Command with Theory and Examples (115:00)
Examples of link-soft-link-hard-link-with-examples (58:00)
Extra Topic- Self Learning
Advance-SED-Command-examples-Command-notes (1) (1)
cut-awk-examples (1) (1)
SED Command Examples (67:00)
Cut and AWK examples (62:00)
Day-12 and Day-13 Sessions
Concept of mount and unmount in linux and USB drive data copy concept
Mount and Unmounting storage concept in linux and USB device activates (171:00)
RPM Practical session using rpm command
RPM Management Theory Session (88:00)
RPM management Practical Session using RPM Command (105:00)
Day-14 and Day-15 Sessions
RPM management using YUM Configuration usign Local iso image
YUM Theory and YUM Configuration using Local ISO image (214:00)
Live Appliacation Installation Examples-Servers-Utility-Third-Party-Redhatbased-EPEL-REPO allinone Examples
Live Appliacation Installation Examples-Servers-Utility-Third-Party-Redhatbased-EPEL-REPO allinone Examples (161:00)
Krishna-YUM-Configuration-Using-localdvd-NFS-FTP-HTTP-EPEL-Repo-Examples (71:00)
Day-16 and Day-17 Sessions
Systemctl-Examples-Theory-Session-Slides-Latest (1) (1)
Systemctl Theory and Practical Notes
Examples of systemctl Command
Systemctl Theory Discussions (94:00)
Systsemctl Practical session (78:00)
Runlevel-and-targets-Examples (1)
Single-usermode-password-break-grub-password-rhel-8-and-rhel-9 (1)
Runlevel and Targets notes
Runlevel and Targets Concept (118:00)
Single User mode add grub password apply steps (74:00)
Day-18 and Day-19 Sessions
networking-concept (1)
Network Managent Theory Sessions-IMP Session-Part-1 (205:00)
Capture-2 (2)
Network Configuration theory and Notes
Network Theory Concept part-2 (64:00)
Network Configuration in RHEL-9 (104:00)
Day-20 and Day-21 and Day-22 Session
User-management-theory-Slides (1) (2)
user management Practical sessions
User management - Practical Session-Notes
User Management Theory Session (93:00)
User Management Practical Session (57:00)
How we can add user without using useradd command (11:00)
Chage-password-policy-theory-session-notes (1)
Chage-password-policy-theory-session-notes (89:00)
SUDO-SUID-with-basic-ACL-Concept-Examples (66:00)
Group-management-Theory-Discussion (1) (1) (3)
Group management notes (1) (1)
Group-Management-Theory-and-Practical-Session (47:00)
Permissions Notes
Permissions Theory Sessions (127:00)
Permission practical Session-chmod-chown-chgrp-Examples (50:00)
Extra Recording if you have get any sound issues in this permission chapter
Permissions Theory Session (140:00)
Examples of chmod-chown-chgrp-sticky-bit-examples (80:00)
Day-23 and Day-24 Sessions
ACL theory and Notes
ACL Examples
Screenshot 2024-08-10 091335
Screenshot 2024-08-10 115420
ACL Theory and practical Session with Sticky Bit-Access ACL and Default ACL (192:00)
chattr-Theory-slides (1)
SUID-SGID-Sticky-Bit-Example-Theory-slides (1)
Screenshot 2024-08-11 102116
Examples of chattr and lsattr Command (56:00)
Examples of SUID SGID and Sticky Bit (87:00)
Day-25 and Day-26 Sessions
Storage Concept- First Session - During the OS installation Partition Creation planning with STANDARD Concept
Storage Concept- First Session - During the OS installation Partition Creation planning with STANDARD Concept (179:00)
Partition-Theory-Concept-Part-2 (1) (2)
Standard Parition creation from any DISK
Discussion About MBR and GPT Limits and Standard Partition Creation Concept (196:00)
Day-27 and Day-28 Session
LVM Slides
LVM notes-Part-1
LVM Theory Management (73:00)
LVM Configuration Part-1 (113:00)
LVM Notes Part-2
LVM Configuration part-2 (83:00)
LVM based Installation and Operations and SWAP partition Creation concept with partiton-LVM-File-based Method (114:00)
Extra Topics Related to Storage Concept-self Learning
Raid-Concept-New-Slides-KR (1)
RAID Theory Concept Discussion (95:00)
Raid Configuration (56:00)
Day-29 Session
SWAP notes
discussion about fstab-and-parted examples-SWAP Theory Concept (135:00)
About SCSI and ISCSI and LUNS scanning concept discussion (22:00)
SCSI-ISCSI-Server-Configuration-rhel-8 (87:00)
Day-30 Booting Process and OS troubleshooting steps during the OS booting
OS Troubleshooting concept (1) (1)
Booting Process
OS-Troubleshooting-During-Booting-KR-Network-latest (1)
rh134-9.0-student-guide (1)
Booting Process of Linux and OS troubleshooting Steps (188:00)
FHS-Linux-Operating-System (1)
Linux-FHS (60:00)
Day-31 and Day-32 Sessions
SSH Theory Session (1) (1)
SSH server and Client Configuration-SCP-and-Rsync Examples Password key based authentication

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