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Language: Hindi and English

Instructors: Ram Sir

Validity Period: 765 days

Max Viewing Hours: 200 Hours

₹12000 58.34% OFF



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Course Curriculum

Day-0- How we can Ready Open Shift LAB- Installation Methods
CRC Setup (26:00)
Setup on AWS (70:00)
UPI mode on Physcal Server Install Lecture-1 (123:00)
UPI mode on Physcal Server Install Lecture-2 (77:00)
crcstep (1)
do280-4.10-student-guide (1)
Live Session
Openshift Introductions (74:00)
How to login Ocp (17:00)
Chapter-1 & 2
Openshift Introductions (75:00)
How to login Ocp (17:00)
Project labs (36:00)
Simple Deployment (34:00)
S2I Deployment (52:00)
Docker File Deployment (11:00)
Declerative method -chapter-1-lab (37:00)
Template base Deployment (60:00)
Helm Doubt (2:00)
Helm Discussion (63:00)
Authentication lecture-1 (28:00)
Authentication provider (25:00)
Role based access control (32:00)
Custom Role and Service Account (47:00)
Openshift Network Introduction (63:00)
Service Ip (48:00)
NodePort Service (42:00)
Router Node (35:00)
Route with HTTPS (66:00)
OCp Network Policies (75:00)
MetalLB Theory (35:00)
Metallb labs (18:00)
Service flow (25:00)
Quota and LimitRange (80:00)
Self_provisioner_project (22:00)
Project boostrap Template same topics (34:00)
Pod Autscaling (24:00)
SCC Policy (55:00)
cronjobs (62:00)
Extras Topics
Secret and confimap (97:00)
Pod Autoscaling & Image Stream & Machinesets (86:00)
Worker Node AutoScale (59:00)
DaemonSet (19:00)
StatefulSet (86:00)
probes (37:00)
Storage Configurations
ocp volume part-1 (22:00)
ocp Volume Session-2 (84:00)
ocp Dynamic Session-1 (23:00)
Ocp Dynamic Session-2 (46:00)
operator (87:00)
Upgrade and Multus
Upgrade OCP

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  • From the computer, you can access your courses after successful login
  • For other devices, you can access your library using this web app through browser of your device.

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