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Language: Hindi and English

Instructors: Atul Sir

Validity Period: 1095 days

Max Viewing Hours: 150 Hours

₹10000 50.01% OFF



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Course Curriculum

Day-1 Introduction
Introduction (83:00)
java 1
Day 2- Control Statements
Control Statements (40:00)
class 2
Day 3 - Control Statements and Loops
Control Sataements and Loops (96:00)
class 3
Day 4 - Loops and Array
Loops and Array (63:00)
class 4
Day 5-Array
Array (36:00)
class 5
Day 6- Inheritance and Constructor
Inheritance and Constructor (50:00)
class 6
Day 7- Android
Java (96:00)
Day 8-Android
java (75:00)
Day 9- Android
Java (36:00)
Day 10- Android
java (67:00)
Day 11 - Android Installation
Android (56:00)
Day 12 - Hide title bar and show in full screen
Hide title bar and show in full screen (42:00)
Day 13 - No of Login and welcome image and Toast and Custom Toast
No of Login and welcome image and Toast and Custom Toast (76:00)
No of login
Day 14 - Toggle Button , CheckBox and RadioButton
Toggle Button (12:00)
CheckBox and RadioButton (39:00)
class 14
Day 15 - Alert Dilog and Spinner
Alert Dilog and Spinner (46:00)
class 15
Day 16 -Auto Complete, Rating Bar and Web View
Auto Complete, Rating Bar and Web View (51:00)
class 16
Day 17 - Date Picker, Time Picker , Analog and digital clock
Date Picker (31:00)
Time Picker and Analog or digital clock (23:00)
class 17
Day 18 - Progress Bar
Progress Bar (28:00)
Progress Bar (14:00)
class 18
Day 19 - Search View,Intent and Explicit Intent
Search View,Intent and Explicit Intent (71:00)
class 19
Day 20 - Layout, Scroll View and Menu
Layout (27:00)
scroll view and Menu (27:00)
class 20
Day 21 - Contaxt Menu and Popup Menu
Contaxt Menu and Popup Menu (75:00)
class 21
Day 22 - Service and Alarm Clock
Service and Alarm Clock (85:00)
class 22
Day 23 - Media Player, Video Player and Telephony Manager
Media Player, Video Player and Telephony Manager (74:00)
class 23
Day 24 - SMS Sending , Bluethooth and Wifi
SMS Sending ,Bluethooth and Wifi (62:00)
class 24
Day 25 -Google Map , Insert and View a data in database
Google Map , Insert and View a data in database (94:00)
class 25
Day 26 - Delete and Update data
Delete and Update the data
class 26

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  • From the computer, you can access your courses after successful login
  • For other devices, you can access your library using this web app through browser of your device.

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